권미라 사진
식품과학 (곡물 및 전분과학)
생활환경관 407호


1988~1992        이학박사 서울대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과

1984~1986        석사     서울대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과

1980~1984        학사     서울대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과



2020.03 ~ 현재             부산대학교 식품영양학과 교수

2015.03 ~ 2020.02          부산대학교 식품영양학과 부교수

2010.12 ~ 2014.08          R&D Pepperidge Farm/Campbell Soup Company, Norwalk, CT/Camden, NJ, USA, Senior Scientist

2005.12 ~ 2010.11          USDA, ARS, Soft Wheat Quality Research Unit, Wooster, OH, USA, Research Food Technologist

1995.09 ~ 2005.11          R&D Kraft/Nabisco Foods, East Hanover, NJ, USA, Associate Research Principal

1994.01 ~ 1995.08          University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, Postdoc Research Fellow

1992.02 ~ 1993.12          서울대학교 농업신소재 연구센터, 박사후 연구원

1986.09 ~ 1987.10          서울대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과, 연구조교


[현재 수행 중인 국책 과제]        

유색밀 유용성분 최대생산 기술 및 지역특화 가공제품 개발(PJ014543), 농촌진흥청, 수행기간: 2019.04.01.-2023.12.31.                  

기능성 밀 오프리, 아리흑 활용 지역특화 가공제품 개발(PJ016031), 농촌진흥청, 수행기간: 2021.01.01.-2024.12.31.            

Non-GMO 고 아밀로스 밀 전분 및 밀가루의 물리적 변성을 통한 저항전분 증가기술 개발 및 가공적성 최적화를 통한 프리바이오틱 강화 제품 실용화 모색(2020R1A2C1101368), 한국연구재단, 수행기간: 2020.09.01.-2023.02.28.             



2020.01 ~ 현재             (사)한국식품조리과학회 편집위원장

2017.01 ~ 2019.12          (사)한국식품조리과학회 편집이사

2016.09 ~ 현재             Cereal Chemistry Associate Editor




실무를 위한 식품품질관리. 2016. 수학사. 권미라 외 10명              

식품화학. 2019. 교문사. 권미라 외 4명                

식품의 감각평가와 기호적 품질관리. 2018. 수학사. 권미라 외 7명              


[연구논문목록] Since 2016                    

1.     Baek, N., Kweon, M. (2022). Comparison in the dry noodle-making performance of US soft wheat flours with different gluten strength. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 38:160-169.

2.     Park, G., Cho, H., Kim, K., Kweon, M. (2022). Quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of fresh noodles formulated with flour-bran blends varied by particle size and blend ratio of purple-colored wheat bran. Processes. 10:584.

3.     Cho, H., Moon, Y., Baek, N., Xia, T., Kweon, M. (2022). Exploring the quality parameters of whole wheat flour suitable for making whole wheat bread. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 38:120-129.

4.     Moon, Y., Cho, H., Baek, N., Xia, T., Kweon, M. (2021). Quality of Low Allergy Wheat ‘O-free’ Flour and Its Bread- and Noodle-making Performance. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 37:492-500.

5.     Moon, Y., Kweon, M. (2021). A Study on the Starch-related Characteristics of Non-GMO High Amylose Wheat Flour. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 37:485-491.

6.     Moon, Y., Kweon, M. (2021). Potential application of enzymes to improve quality of dry noodlesby reducing water absorption of inferior-quality flour. Food Sci Biotechnol. 30:921-930.

7.     Xia, T., Moon, Y., Baek, N., Cho, H., Kweon, M. (2021). Comparison of Quality of Whole Wheat Flours from Foreign and Korean Domestic Wheat and Their Whole Wheat Cookie-Making Performance. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 37:229-237.

8.     Zhao, Y., Kweon, M. (2021). Optimized fermentation and freezing conditions for ready-to-proof and ready-to-bake frozen dough of sweet bread. Applied Sci. 11:7904.

9.     Moon, Y., Seo, Y., Kim, K.H., Kweon, M. (2021). Identification of significant formula and processing factors for bread formulated with the blend of Korean domestic wheat flour and purple wheat bran using a factorial design. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 37:144-152.

10.  Wang, X., Kweon, M. (2021). Quality of US soft red wheat flours and their suitability for making fresh noodles. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 37:134-143.

11.  Seo, Y., Moon, Y., Kweon, M. (2021). Effect of purple-colored wheat bran addition on quality and antioxidant property of bread and optimization of bread-making conditions. Applied Sci. 11:4034.

12.  Zhao, Y., Kweon, M. (2021). Formula optimization of ready-to-proof and ready-to-bake frozen dough of sweet bread using response surface methodology. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 139:110581

13.  Slade, L., Kweon, M., Levine, H. (2021). Exploration of the functionality of sugars in cake-baking, and effects on cake quality. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 61:283-311.

14.  Moon, Y., Xia, T., Cho, H., Kweon, M. (2021). Comparison of particle size and quality characteristics of commercial whole wheat flours made from Korean domestic wheat and foreign wheat. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 37:41-52.

15.  Lee, S., Kweon, M. (2020). Physicochemical and thermal properties, and starch digestibility of dry-milled rice flours with different amylose contents using an ultra- centrifugal mill. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 36:529-536.

16.  Park, G.N., Cho, H., Kweon, M. (2020). Quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of fresh noodles formulated with the blend of Korean domestic wheat flour and pre-treated purple-colored wheat bran. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 36:482-491.

17.  Kim, S., Kweon, M. (2020). Formation of amylose-lipid complex of the starches from high amylose rice cultivars by addition of saturated fatty acids. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 36:436-445.

18.  Lee, E.J., Moon, Y., Kweon, M. (2020). Processing suitability of healthful carbohydrates for potential sucrose replacement to produce muffins with staling retardation. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 131:109565

19.  Song, J.L., Shin, S.H., Park, M.H., Hwang, S.J., Ju, J., Kim, H.Y., Kweon, M., Park, K.Y. (2020). Fresh Saengshik showed a positive effect on mitigating dextran sulfate sodium-induced experimental colitis in mice. J Med Food. 23:459-464.

20.  Seo, Y., Moon, Y., Cho, H., Kweon, M. (2020). Comparison of quality characteristics of commercial dry noodles made of imported wheat and Korean domestic wheat. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 36:348-356.

21.  Avarzed, E., Wang, X., Moon, Y., Kim, K.H., Kweon, M. (2020). Quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of cookies formulated with the blend of Korean domestic wheat flour and purple wheat bran. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 36:152-162.

22.  Hong, Y.E., Kweon, M. (2020). Optimization of the formula and processing factors for gluten-free rice bread with tamarind gum. Foods. 9:145.

23.  Moon, Y., Kim, K.H., Kweon, M. (2019). Effects of flour quality and drying rates controlled by temperature, air circulation, and relative humidity on the quality of dried white­salted noodles. Cereal Chem. 96:1011-1021.

24.  Kim, S., Seo, Y., Kweon, M. (2019). Effect of amylose content and molecular structural property of the starches from different rice cultivars on amylose-lipid complex formation with various emulsifiers. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 35:619-630.

25.  Wang, X., Moon, Y., Kweon, M. (2019). Pasting and sough properties, and noodle making performance of Korean domestic wheat flour at different pHs with various organic acids. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 35:601-609.

26.  Kim, K.M., Kim, K.H., Kang, C.S., Jeong, H.Y., Choi, C.H., Park, J., Son, j.H., Yang, J., Kim, Y.J., Park, T.I., Kweon, M. 2019. Analysis of quality and processing suitability of mixed seeding and flour blending between wheat varieties. Korean J Crop Sci. 64:225-233.

27.  Moon, Y., Wang, X., Kweon, M., Park, T.I., Kim, K.H. (2019). Fresh and dried white-salted noodle making performance of Korean domestic normal and waxy wheat flour blends. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 35:367-375.

28.  Zhao, Y., Kweon, M. (2019). Impacts of enzyme, vitamin C, and emulsifiers on the quality of pre-fermented frozen dough of pocket bread with red bean paste. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 35:357-366.

29.  Jeon, S., Baik, B.K., Kweon, M. (2019). Solvent retention capacity application to assess soft wheat flour quality for making white-salted noodles. Cereal Chem. 96:497-507.

30.  Zhao, Y., Moon, Y., Bae, W., Nam, C., Kweon, M. (2019). Effects of added water amount and yeast type in formulation on the quality of fermented frozen dough of pocket bread with red bean paste. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 35:262-270.

31.  Jang, K., Hong, Y.E., Moon, Y., Jeon, S., Angalet, S., Kweon, M. (2018). Exploring the applicability of tamarind gum for making gluten-free rice bread. Food Sci Biotechnol. 27:1639-1648.

32.  Kweon, M., Jeon, S., Cho, J.H. (2018). Molecular structure and thermal properties of the starches from high amylose rice cultivars and their amylose-lipid complex formation with various emulsifiers. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 34:617-625.

33.  Moon, Y., Jeon, S., Hong, Y.E., Zhao, Y, Kim, K.H., Kweon, M. (2018). Quality of commercial Korean domestic wheat flours and their dry noodle-making performance. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 34:366-374.

34.  Young, M.D., Kim, J.H.,Oh, M.K., Kweon, M. (2018). Source of variation in flour protein quantity and quality of a top-yielding Korean wheat cultivar, Baegjoong grown from different regions. J Crop Sci Biotech. 21:103-111.

35.  Sim, S.J., Kweon, M., Ryu, H.K. (2018). Quality characteristics of Korean steamed rice bread (Jeungpyun) added with grains. Korean J Community Living Sci. 29:33-47.

36.  Moon, Y., Hong, Y.E., Jeon, S., Jung, S.H., Kweon, M. (2018). Effect of water hardness on bread making performance. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 34:78-86.

37.  Kweon, M., Slade, L., and Levine, H. (2017). Differential scanning calorimetry analysis of the effects of heat and pressure on protein denaturation of soy flour mixed with various types of plasticizers. J Food Sci. 82:314-323.

38.  Jung, S.H., Jeon, S., Young, M?, Moon, Y.J., Hong, Y.E., and Kweon, M. (2017). Quality of cookies formulated with Jeju magma seawater. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 33:292-299.

39.  Jeon, S., Young, M., and Kweon, M. (2017). Relationship between quality of commercial pastry and all-purpose flours milled in Korea analyzed by SRC method and their cookie making performance. Korean J Food Cook Sci. 33:443-451.

40.  Lee X.M., Lee, H.A., Kweon, M., Park, E.S., Park, K.Y. (2016). Probiotic effects of Lactobacillus plantarum strains isolated from Kimchi. J. Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr. 45:1717-1724.

41.  Young, M., Jeon, S. and Kweon, M. (2016). Study on applicability of allulose as a sucrose replacer in cookie making. J. East Asian Soc. Diet Life. 26:450-456.

42.  Kweon, M., Slade, L., and Levine, H. (2016). Potential sugar reduction in cookies formulated with sucrose alternatives. Cereal Chem. 93:576-583.

43.  Kweon, M., Slade, L., and Levine, H. (2016). Cake baking with alternative carbohydrates for potential sucrose replacement. I. Functionality of small sugars and their effects on high-ratio cake-baking performance. Cereal Chem. 93:562-567.

44.  Kweon, M., Slade, L., and Levine, H. (2016). Cake baking with alternative carbohydrates for potential sucrose replacement. II. Functionality of healthful oligomers and their effects on high-ratio cake-baking performance. Cereal Chem. 9:568-575.

45.  Wang, N., Hou, G., Kweon, M., and Lee, B. (2016). Effects of particle size on the properties of whole-grain soft wheat flour and its cracker baking performance. J Cereal Sci. 69:187-193.


[특허] Since 2016

권미라, 문유진, 박규나, 조혜진. 2021. 입자 크기가 감소된 유색 밀기울을 함유하는 생면의 제조 방법. 특허 등록 1023715410000

권미라, 문유진, 쟈오위샤, 김소진, 왕샤오. 2021. 포켓빵용 발효 냉동 생지의 제조방법. 특허 등록 1022733880000

권미라, 문유진, 2022. 효소 첨가에 의해 식감이 개선된 건면의 제조방법. 특허 등록 1024131760000


[Presentations] Since 2016

Internationally invited talk:

1.     Kweon, M. (2022). Applicatioin of clean label ingredients for bakery products. KoSFoST, July 6-8. Pusan, Korea.

2.     Kweon, M. (2017). How to predict flour functionality? (focused on solvent retention capacity). 22nd Bakery-milling days, October 12-14. Novi Sad, Serbia.

3.     Kweon, M. (2017). Solvent retention capacity (SRC) test for predicting flour functionality. Eurogerm, July 5, Lima, Peru.

4.     Kweon, M. (2017). Cookie vs. cracker ? What’s the difference? Eurogerm, July 5, Lima, Peru.


International conferences:

1.     Moon, Y., Kweon, M. (2021). Physicochemical, thermal and amylopectin structural analysis of wheat starches from waxy, normal and high amylose wheat. Poster presentation at ICC annual meeting, March 29-31, Virtual conference.                    

2.     Moon, Y., Kweon, M., Avarzed, E. (2020). Quality improvement of bread formulated with the blend of purple wheat bran by varying water amount, and mixing and fermentation time. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, Virtual conference.          

3.     Kweon, M., Lee, E.J., Moon, Y. (2019). Processing suitability of sucrose alternatives for potential sugar reduction in muffin. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, November 3-5, Denver, Colorado.     

4.     Moon, Y., Kweon, M. (2019). Impacts of flour quality and drying condition on quality of Korean style dry white-salted noodles. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, November 3-5, Denver, Colorado.    

5.     Kweon, M., Jeon, S., Moon, Y. (2018). DSC analysis for amylose-lipid complex formation of rice starches from different Korean rice cultivars with endogenous and exogenous lipids. Poster presentation at ICC Conference: Grains for wellbeing, November 5-8, Taipei, Taiwan.                  

6.     Moon, Y., Hong, Y.E., Jeon, S., Zhao, X., Kweon, M. (2018). Potential application of enzymes to improve noodle making performance of Korean domestic wheat flour. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, October 21-23, London, UK.                   

7.     Hong, Y.E., Zhao, X., Moon, Y., Jeon, S., Kweon, M., Angalet, S., Lee, K.A. (2018). Optimization of formula and processing condition for making gluten-free rice bread with tamarind gum. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, October 21-23, London, UK.                    

8.     Jeon, S., Hong, Y.E., Moon, Y., Zhao, X., Kweon, M. (2018). Effects of the amylose content and molecular structure of rice starches from different Korean rice varieties on amylose-lipid complex formation. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, October 21-23, London, UK.             

9.     Ryu, H., Sim, S., Jeon, S., Kweon, M. (2017). Comparison of quality of Korean steamed rice cakes with addition of sorghum, proso millet, and glutinous foxtail millet. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, October 8-11, San Diego, California.                   

10.  Jeon, S., Young, M., Hong, Y.E., Moon, Y., Baik, B.K., Kweon, M. (2017). Exploring suitability of Soft Red Winter wheats for making Korean-style noodles and its correlation with noodle quality. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, October 8-11, San Diego, California.                    

11.  Young, M.D., Jeon, S., Moon, Y., Hong, Y.E., Kim, K., Kweon, M. (2017). Influence of growing region of Korean domestic wheat (cultivar Baikjung) on flour quality related to protein characteristics. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, October 8-11, San Diego, California.            

12.  Young, M.D., Kweon, M., Jeon, S. (2016). Solvent retention capacity (SRC) application t analyze Korean-favorite noodle flour quality. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, October 23-26, Savannah, Georgia.           

Kweon, M., Slade, L., Levine, H. (2016). High-ratio cake baking with alternative carbohydrates for potential sucrose replacement. Poster presentation at AACCI annual meeting, October 23-26, Savannah, Georgia.