이지현 사진
관능검사 및 소비자행동학
생활환경관 405호

Education [학력]

2004.6 ~ 2009.8 미국 캔사스주립대학교 영양학과박사 (관능검사 및 소비자행동학 전공)

2002.6 ~ 2006.8 미국 캔사스주립대학교 통계학과응용통계 Graduate Certificate

2002.6 ~ 2004.5 미국 캔사스주립대학교 영양학과석사 (관능검사 및 소비자행동학 전공)

1998.3 ~ 2002.2 부산대학교 식품영양학과학사


Professional Experiences [경력]

2019.3 ~ 현재  국립부산대학교 식품영양학과 교수

2019.8 ~ 2020.7  이탈리아 피렌체 대학교 교환교수

2014.3 ~ 2019.2  국립부산대학교 식품영양학과 부교수

2013.3 ~ 2014.2  국립부산대학교 식품영양학과 조교수

2009.9 ~ 2013.1  미국 드렉셀대학교 호텔관광경영ㆍ조리예술ㆍ식품과학과 조교수

2005.8 ~ 2006.7  Schick Wilkinson Sword Evaluation Sciences 부서 관능검사 인턴


Service [학회경력]

2014 ~ 2019  한국식품과학회 관능검사분과위원회 간사

2018 ~ 2019, 2021 ~ 현재  한국영양학회 부산 지부장

2014, 2015, 2018  ()한국식품조리과학회 편집위원

2014 ~ 2017  ()한국식품영양과학회 편집위원


* Research Interests 연구분야

1. Descriptive Sensory Evaluation (관능묘사분석)

2. Consumer Acceptability Research (소비자 기호도 조사)

3. Advanced Statistics (통계)

4. Correlation between sensory and analytical data (상관관계분석)

5. Qualitative Research (정성적 연구)

6. Online Consumer Research (온라인 소비자 연구)


* Peer-reviewed Publication 학술지논문 (최근 5년간)

전보경, 이지현, 윤은주. 2022. 20 대 여성의 식사에서 동물성 식품의 포함 정도에 따른 건강 및 영양상태: 국민건강영양조사 제 7 기 (2016?2018) 자료 이용. Journal of Nutrition and Health, 55(1), 101-119. https://doi.org/10.4163/jnh.2022.55.1.101


김영선, 이지현, 윤은주. 2022. 바람직한 이유식 실천 방향 모색을 위한 영유아의 식생활 현황 조사. 한국식품조리과학회지, 38(1), 52-64. https://doi.org/10.9724/KFCS.2022.38.1.52


Han S, Yang J, Choi K, Kim J, Adhikari K, & Lee J. 2022. Chemical Analysis of Commercial White Wines and Its Relationship with Consumer Acceptability. Foods, 11(4), 603. 1-19 [SCIE]



Jeong S, & Lee J. 2021. Effects of cultural background on consumer perception and acceptability of foods and drinks: a review of latest cross-cultural studies. Current Opinion in Food Science, 42, 248-256. [SCIE] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cofs.2021.07.004

Lee N, & Lee J. 2021. Comparison of home use tests with differing time and order controls. Foods, 10(6), 1275. 1-20. [SCIE] https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10061275

맹아름, 이지현, 윤은주. 2021. 식품안정성 수준에 따른 한국노인의 건강상태와 영양섭취현황: 제 7 기 (2016?2018) 국민건강영양조사 자료 활용. Journal of Nutrition and Health, 54(2), 179-198. https://doi.org/10.4163/jnh.2021.54.2.179


Yang J, & Lee J. 2021. Consumer Perception of Red Wine by the Degree of Familiarity Using Consumer-Based Methodology. Foods, 10(4), 749. 1-19.[SCIE] https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10040749


Kumar R, Chambers IV E, Chambers D H, & Lee J. 2021. Generating new snack food texture ideas using sensory and consumer research tools: A case study of the Japanese and south Korean snack food markets. Foods, 10(2), 474. 1-24. [SCIE] https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10020474


Heo J, Adhikari K, Choi K S, & Lee J. 2020. Analysis of caffeine, chlorogenic acid, trigonelline, and volatile compounds in cold brew coffee using high-performance liquid chromatography and solid-phase microextraction―gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Foods, 9(12), 1746. 1-20. [SCIE] https://doi.org/10.3390/foods9121746



Yang J, Lee J. 2020. Current research related to wine sensory perception since 2010. Beverages, 6(3), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/beverages6030047 


Hu X, Lee J. 2019. Emotions elicited while drinking coffee: a cross-cultural comparison between Korean and Chinese consumers. Food Quality and Preference, 76, 160-168 [SCI] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2018.08.020 


Heo J, Choi K, Wang S, Adhikari K, Lee J. 2019. Cold Brew Coffee: Consumer Acceptability and Characterization Using the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) Method. Foods, 8(8), 1-14. [SCIE] https://doi.org/10.3390/foods8080344 


Yang J, Lee J. 2019. Application of sensory descriptive analysis and consumer studies to investigate traditional and authentic foods: A review. Foods, 8(2), 54. [SCIE] https://doi.org/10.3390/foods8020054 


Choi Y, Lee J. 2019. The effect of extrinsic cues on consumer perception: A study using milk tea products. Food Quality and Preference, 71, 343-353. [SCI] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2018.08.004 


최윤경, 김민수이지현. 2019. 유탕 사각 부산어묵 제품의 소비자 기호도 조사부산지역을 중심으로한국식품영양과학회지 48(3), 372-384. [SCOPUS]


김영선, 이지현윤은주. 2019. 이유식 제공 시 고려해야 하는 요인에 대한 어머니의 중요도 인식과 수행도 비교한국식품영양과학회지 48(3), 362-371. [SCOPUS]


Yang J, Lee J. 2018. Korean consumers’ acceptability of commercial food products and usage of the 9-point hedonic scale. Journal of Sensory Studies, 33(6), e12467 [SCI] https://doi.org/10.1111/joss.12467 


Kim H, Hwang H-I, Song K-W, Lee J. 2017. Sensory and rheological characteristics of thickened liquids differing concentrations of a xanthan gum-based thickener. Journal of Texture Studies, 18(6), 571-585. [SCI] https://doi.org/10.1111/jtxs.12268 


Kim H, Lee, J, Kim B. 2017. Development of an initial lexicon for and impact of forms (cube, liquid, powder) on chicken stock and comparison to consumer acceptance. Journal of Sensory Studies, 32(2), 1-10. [SCI] https://doi.org/10.1111/joss.12251 


Heo J, Lee J. 2017. US consumers’ acceptability of soy sauce and Bulgogi. Food Science and Biotechnology, 26(5), 1271-1279 [SCIE] https://doi.org/10.1007/s10068-017-0174-3 


Kanjanakorn A, Lee J. 2017. Examining emotions and comparing the EsSense Profile® and the Coffee Drinking Experience in coffee drinkers in the natural environment. Food Quality and Preference, 56, 69-79. [SCI] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2016.09.014 


Luchansky JB, Chen Y, Porto-Fett AC, Pouillot R, Shoyer BA, Johnson-DeRycke R, Eblen DR, Hoelzer K, Shaw WR Jr., van Doren JM, Catin M, Lee J, Tikekar R, Gallagher D, Lindsay JA, Catlin M. 2017. Survey for Listeria monocytogenes in and on Ready-to-Eat Foods from Retail Establishments in the United States (2010 through 2013): Assessing Potential Changes of Pathogen Prevalence and Levels in a Decade. Journal of Food Protection, 80(6), 903-921. [SCI] https://doi.org/10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-16-420 


Kim J, Lee J. 2016. Korean Consumer Evaluation of Various Foods Using Four Different Texture Lexicons. Journal of Sensory Studies, 31(4), 314-327. [SCI] https://doi.org/10.1111/joss.12215 


Yoon E, Kim J, Lee J. 2016. The US Consumers' Acceptability and Emotion Measures when Consuming Novel Korean Traditional Non-Alcoholic Beverages. Journal of Sensory Studies, 31(3), 256-271. [SCI] https://doi.org/10.1111/joss.12209 

전보경, 이지현, 윤은주. 2022. 20 대 여성의 식사에서 동물성 식품의 포함 정도에 따른 건강 및 영양상태: 국민건강영양조사 제 7 기 (2016?2018) 자료 이용. Journal of Nutrition and Health, 55(1), 101-119. https://doi.org/10.4163/jnh.2022.55.1.101


김영선, 이지현, 윤은주. 2022. 바람직한 이유식 실천 방향 모색을 위한 영유아의 식생활 현황 조사. 한국식품조리과학회지, 38(1), 52-64. https://doi.org/10.9724/KFCS.2022.38.1.52


Han S, Yang J, Choi K, Kim J, Adhikari K, & Lee J. 2022. Chemical Analysis of Commercial White Wines and Its Relationship with Consumer Acceptability. Foods, 11(4), 603. 1-19 [SCIE] https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11040603


Jeong S, & Lee J. 2021. Effects of cultural background on consumer perception and acceptability of foods and drinks: a review of latest cross-cultural studies. Current Opinion in Food Science, 42, 248-256. [SCIE] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cofs.2021.07.004



* Professional Memberships 참여학회

- Society of Sensory Professionals, 2008 ~ 현재

한국식품영양과학회, 2013 ~ 현재

한국식품과학회, 2013 ~ 현재

한국식품조리과학회, 2013 ~ 현재

한국영양학회, 2017 ~ 현재

- Institute of food Technologists (IFT), 2002 ~ 현재

- IFT Sensory and Consumer Sciences Division, 2003 ~ 현재

- Korean-American Food Technologists Association, 2011 ~ 현재

- Research Chefs Association, 2009 ~ 2013